Sunday, June 21, 2009

Olympic National Park - Part 1 (mountains)

We visited Olympic National Park in Washington state earlier this month. Really sweet spot. It was a quick trip, but we managed to visit some of the coastal areas, the Hoh rainforest, and the mountains near Hurricane Ridge. Gotta dig a park that offers all these different ecosystems.

Below are a few shots from the Hurricane Ridge area . The peaks maybe aren't as high as some other mountain ranges, but they make for a very cool vista anyway. We spent a little time hiking on some of the nearby trails. Dodged a few patches of remaining snow, got to see some black-tailed deer and a really fat marmot. It was a good day and a spot where I'd like to return and spend a bit more time exploring.

1 comment:

Una Tia Especial said...

Awesome pictures Stuey! The first one looks like it's animated it's that bright and pretty!
